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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  April 16, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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obama is promising action. act >> we'll find out who did this,h and why they did any responsible individuals or groups will feel the full wait of justice. i think we have to be looking. >> it's al qaeda, off chute or a self starter in the united states, a homegrown terrorist. the search for bombing suspects likely includes an analysis of terror organizes worldwide.. the pakistani taliban denies any involvement in the marathonn explosion. the group's main focus is targeting the pakistani p government because of its alliance with the u.s.ance it has threatened attacks in thn u.s. before and says it was w behind a failed car bombing in times square in 2010.
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>> we want to keep you updated on metro which went on high alert following the bombings in boston. we speak with dan earlier today. he tells you security may be heightened. he stresses there's no specific threat against metro or any transit system. >> from the rails to the roads there an impact on drivers today because of emancipation dayion activities in the direct. >> julie wright joins us with wt the details on that that's a traffic mess, isn't it? >> we've seen the closures in place along 13th streetee between pennsylvania avenue and 8th street and closures along e street and pennsylvania avenua between 14th and 12th street. that's what we're dealing with. to complicate matters accidentt activity inbound pennsylvania avenue approaching minnesota. m that has traffic squeezing by tt
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the left. 14th street remains open. o there's a portion of pennsylvania avenue closed off o between 14th and 12th. keep an eye out for add decisional as well. wel that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic.ti >> we'll get the latest on the forecast of course. a lot of people outside for the parade today. >> right we're looking fine for it at least as far as rain. it's going to remain cool. we'll see sunshine pop out. a decent day. temperatures topping out in the low to top mid 70s. 58 right now in the city. dulles 58. bwi marshall 55. the temperatures are trending upward but to be honest with yon they are moving ates a slow pac. there's your cloud cover. notice it's eroding west and weeft east.t e we should see more and more
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sunshine working in here duringr the tuesday. t but it's not going -- as mentioned be one of the bright b beautiful days cloud free. rain showers north and weft. those will not be bringing us rain until perhaps tomorrow witr a cold front. high temperatures today 73 in washington. 70 in leonardtown.rdto cooler in annapolis. sunshine south and west. mid to upper 70s by fredericksburg. 77 for the high. >> thank you, tucker. heightened security in a number of cities today including the nation's capital. there's an extra presence at thp whitere house. mel li is live with the latest details. >> people and vendors aree starting to gather here on freedom plaza. this is where the emancipation
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day parade wraps up and there's a street invest val. the celebration is going on as planned despite the increased police presence. it's a few blocks down the road in front of the white house. the secret service has expanded the perimeter. yesterday gawrs could be seen ol the roof. homeland security officers have swept the freedom plaza area with canines in a advance of the parade. met pollan police in d.c. have announced they are on heightenee security status.ty the parade is due to start off after 11:00 this morning down pennsylvania avenue from third street to freedom plaza. yesterday the house had a moment of silence. the. the public event.vent
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capital police are stepping up security check. they say it's a proactive response and not because of any specific threat. mayor vin kent gray and the police chief held a press conference talking aboutking security for today. they said some would be visible and some would not. they stressed that there had had been no no specific threat against the festivities. tony and sarah? >> melanie reporting live for us. thank you. >> returning now to the boston bombings the extent of the carnage it's difficult to imagine. stories of little children killed and hurt. >> also a tale of two brotherstr in their 30s there to cheer on friends running in the race. both losing their legs in the explosion. all this against the back drop of a investigation. jennifer davis joins us live with the latest k. we start with the investigation, what is the latest we know with this person
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interest of? >> well, officials say they are pursuing a number of leads but people seem to be focusing the most attention on the person of interest identified as a saudi national. 20 or 21 years old at one of o local hospitals. someone said they saw himsaid running away from the blast scene. he was tackled by a civilian and police then took him into custody and have -- sorry they took him to the hospital and they have been talking to him. he is not officially in custodyc nor is he a suspect. we know that officials have also executed a search warrant at an apartment in a neighborhood outside of boston in an area called revere and they were seen bringing in a number of piecess of evidence in but that said at this point thee are saying they've no motive or s. nobody has taken responsibility for the bomb blasts. there was no additional chatter, intelligence chatter they hearde after the bombings but certainly they are going back over thehe last 30 days of threat assessments to take another lool to see if they missed anything.n >> can you tell us about what is
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happening there now. not in terms of the investigation but in terms of protections around the city, what the atmosphere is like there this morning? >> well, you know we're seeing -- we're right by boston common. if anyone is familiar withilia boston it's a beautiful park.utf we're seeing a lot of runners out here. i think a sign of the resilience in this town and a statement sta this day after. wherever you go in town there's an increased police presence. a number paf troll officers yous see of all varieties and from a number of different agencies. a lot of streets blocked down in around around the crime scene. it's shut down a mile lenwise tt three blocks across. a lot of area that they have to cover today.toda people have been told look if you are going toe be travel, puc transportation expect to injure bags checked today. zit not feel like a typical dayy here in boston. but there's also som so much sadness, i think for that reason
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as well it doesn't feel typicali >> definitely no. jennifer davis live for us inn boston this morning.ning thanks so much. >> meanwhile police in terror targeted cities have increased security. in new york city bomb sniffing dogs are outside la guardia airport and officers are keeping watch over penn station and madison square garden. there's more uniform officers on guard at grand central station. the worries they are also being felt across the atlantic. time is funeral for former prime minister margaret thatcher in london. a big security operation in in place for that. now it's peeved up even more. the london smart supposed to take place on sunday. it's still a good but after yesterday's terror attack in boston security is being reviewed. >> american muslims are condemning the bombings at the boston marathon. the council on american islamic relations is urging americans tn join them in praying for the victims and is asking muslims in the u.s. to tell police about
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any leads they may have. the spokesman said it's unfortunate that muslims are instantly considered suspects of these kinds of attacks. a >> we're taking a closer look at why someone chose the bostonn marathon for these events to unfold. >> a dedication on capitol hill. wisdom is back with a look at the morning's other top stories. can wall street make it a comeback. we go live to new york from the latest on the steep drop. we'll be back after this and more. time now 9:0. bring your dog to work day. not our best idea.
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>> that's what americans moments like these terrible as they don't show our weakness but our strength.gth. this that was dan connolly the da for suffolk county massachusetts. the area around boston's copley
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square remains closed this morning as do exit ramps from major highways to that area. cell phone companies in the boston area say service is it running there but they are experiencing very heavy call volumes. on monday law enforcement officials say service was shut down to prevent potential remote debt anything thats of explosives but officials are verizon and sprint say there were no such requests.eque they remind everyone in types of chaos when lines are jams, send a text. the investigation into theinto boston attack is only begun. there's a lot to learn about the timing and use of explosives.loi ear this morning we talked with bill braniff or insight. >> if you look at the history of terrorism in the united statesst going back to 1970, there's been over 2300 attacks in the u.s.,
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less than 13% have involved complex attacks. even morehase or more than one explosive. you are know you are looking att some out of ordinary.rd they'vein adopted these tacticst the idea that an organization or individual would pick a highigh profile event in which they knoo the cameras will be rolling tolg conduct an attack means they mea don't have to worry about propaganda and media.i so you might say that a more well healed terrorist organization is going to havee their own media capabilities. right not rely on event of this magnitude. however it's not something unique to any one group. >> he also says this attack is unique because of amount of people killed and wounded. if you exclude 9/11 the average terrorism incident has generated 1.4 casualties per attack. this one, of course, is over
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150. sarah? >> its marathon bombings had an impact on the stock market monday. what does this look like this morning. good morning, lauren? >> hi, good morning. >> hey shall as we mentioned u.s. stocks finished down.own. do we expect the boston bombings to impact the market today? t >>o not seeing that today. we're setting for a triple digit gain at the open. dow futures higher been 130 points now.ow we'll see a huge pop. the reason is economic data is coming in strong. we've got good housing data. no inflation in the latestt inflation report and really good earnings from coca-cola and johnson & johnson which are members of dow.hnso the boston womaning story impact on wall street was in the final hour of tradingas i yesterday. it's off to the races today. >> all right. rig good news there that we definitely need.nite taking a look at things is gold expected to be up today after
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being down in recent weeks? what is behind this as well? same thing. >> yes, gold is an interesting story. basically since the year 2001 gold has finished higher everyvy single it's been riding a phenomenal bull market. mar one of reasons is it's considered a safe haven metal. investors put their money there. as simple as all things come down. gold prices got high and investors starting sell big time yesterday. yesterday was the biggestes decline in gold, down 140 an ounce. the biggest decline since 1983 if you can believe. that we're talking 30 years here. today investors are not only going back to stock but gold. metal is higher by 30 right now. that shows a little bit of fear out there that plus that index.. investors getting nervous again putting their money to the safe haven metal because it sold off so drastically. >> that again pointing back to the bombings we saw yesterday. that's the thing we get nervous
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about and jump back into gold. >> yes, exactly. that and they jump back to the treasury market as well. there's also sorts of dynamics n that you can look for in the the sphok market when trying tong figure out how investors and wall street feels. wall street is an area that has been rocked by terrorism, right? the world trade center attacks. this area knows this environment, this modern terrorist really well.l. what is -- modern terrorism ter really well. what is going on in the markets transcend what's is going on globally for a couple of reasons. we've had this unprecedentedcede move to the outside. uncharted territory for the major averages. that has to cool off, right. china growth slowing and gold rocketing so much so soon for so long that things are starting to taper off a little bit. b that's what we saw yesterdayrday before the bombings which did intensify the fear out there.
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>> lauren thanks as always. see you tomorrow.tomo >> all right.>> a >> thank you very much. a powerful earthquake has hit h iran today. wisdom martin is back with more on the top stories makingng headlines this morning. good morning, wisdom.dom. >> good morning, tony. this say really bad situation. officials in iran say the number of dead could run into the hundreds. the earthquake struck near iran's border with pakistan andd so far at least 40 people aree dead. the 7.8 quake is the strongesttr to hit the area of iran in more than a half a century. it flattened homes and swayed buildings as far away as new dehli, india. a u.s. helicopter with 21 people on board went down near south korea's border with the north in what is describeds a hard landing. it happened this morning during a routine mor drill.. everyone survived and have only slight injuries. meanwhile north korea continues to repeatkore threats it will sn
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launch a missile. china is crit siegz the unitedd states for -- criticizing the united states for increasing the military presence in asia. a the pentagon is sending forces and boosting alliances in the asia pacific region but the chinese army said it's threatening peace. there's a funeral today for a rockville teen killed in a murder suicide last week. police say 17-year-old michelle miller was shot to death by a 341-year-old earming staff sergeant. they were were reportedly romantically involved even inv though arndt was married to another woman. a room on capitol hill is being named for a aide to gabby giffords. gabe zimmerman was killed in the shooting that injured giffords.d giffords and her husband are expected to attend the dedication ceremony thisony afternoon. tony? >> wisdom, thank you very much. >> all right.
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we have a lot still ahead this hour on fox 5 morning news. mrs. world joins us live in studio to talk about how she'ses working to fight blindness. more on the condition that she e and her children are living with and her push to raise awareness. >> changes in the district. the chancellor tells us how public schools hope to change the experience for students and staff. time now is 9:20. we'll be right back.
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>> back now on fox 5 morning news. d.c. public schools are making critical investments in the upcoming school year to help improve opportunities for o students andpp educators.cato earlier this morning d.c. public schools chancellor joined us to talk about the so called human capital approach. >> we've had a dogged focus on ensuring that we have the best teachers, principals and support staff in our buildings. to continue our investment in
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those fantastic people. i would say i probably have some of the best staff in the country at this point. we will see significant invest. s in professional development, opportunities to train them and grow them for the challenges around he had indicating folks. >> there will also be improvements to increase it will rasry and effort to better engage parents. this year the city marks the 151st anniversary of and listins of slavey. the speaker was at the emancipation day breakfast and on our program this morning. we are well prepared this morning. there's been security sweepsy down pennsylvania avenue. checked the garbage containers. there's a strong police presence here. for the first time we have eight federal units in the parade, marines, navy, air force and the army. >> the significance of today is
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that we celebrate one nation ono a day we're seeing the tragedy in boston. what we're celebrating with emancipation is when president lincoln freed those enslaifd here even before he signed the emans pass -- emancipation prok calculation. >> today's parade starts at 12 2 1:00 and begins after 4th street and pennsylvania avenue northwest. coming to an end at freedom plaza and 14th street. >> all right. well a>> father running to raise awareness for his diabetic daughter speaks to fox 5 about his harrowing experience in boston. we'll be right back.
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>> back now with continuingith coverage out of boston. the f.b.i. is leading the investigation of two bombs that
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exploded at the boston marathon it's being treated as an act of terrorismful a source confirmsfm that a saudi national here on a student visa is questioned but at this time he is not considered a superintendent. s he isup a person of interest. police officers searched an apartment in a boston suburb saying a search warrant related to the attack has been issued. >> we saw dozens of ambulances on one street. cars on another street. fire trucks just a lot going on. >> and really put a damper on the whole experience. >> wow. the principal authorized a robo call to let people know he was all right. >> another local man in the
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boston marathonment "the washington post" he had it tour was not injured in the explosions. err this morning we talked toexo him by phone from boston to get his account of chaotic aftermath. >> i finished the race a littlet bit before the bombs went off and i was kind of in the -- i te was about two blocks away. i had already picked up my gear bag and when i heard the explosions i knew immediately they were bombs. they were unmistakably loud, unlike anything, you know, industrial type noises you areur apt to here. and -- apt to hear. i immediately sent an e-mail back to the post saying twoo bombs just went off at the boston marathon. >> boston's two major newspapern share the tales of terror following the deadly explosionse take a look at the dramatic headlines and images. "the boston globe" readse" marathon terror.on you can see a graphic image of a woman helped by bystanders along
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boston's boylston street. >> "the boston herald" says terror at the finish line. the picture of smoke from the bombs and people scrambling to get away amid the flags from aren't world representingg runners from many different countries. >> all right. time now is>> 9:31. we're checking in with tucker. you have good news for us today. >> for us, we care springtime temperatures are back. 70's here to stay for the release of the end of workweek. it's a decent day today. we have the clouds holding tight here for the morning hours. h this say liouve shot. we're mostly cloudy. we should see peeks of sunshine during the tuesday and by afternoon, maybe break out toutt partly sunny conditions.ondi things getting better. by the way when we see it we warm up as well to the low 70s. nice shot in northwest washington.wa even though it's cloudy out wee should remain dry. if you are headed out to the parade going be out and about later today.. getting temperatures, reagan
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national has jumped to 58 after a low of 57. so -- 52 -- one degree. >> 56 in and nap -- in annapolis. leonardtown is 61 and 60234fred out to the wester cumberland 636 out to the west sunshine first. probably getting it right now. with that sun you are going toin warmg quickly into the low to md 70s. you should have a nice day welll out to the west. there you there's the cloud a little mayortime layer. -- maritime layer. we picked up moisture to get the layer of clouds out there. we're starting to get the breaks. you can see that off to the east and west now out of the mountains getting breaks as well. trend is less cloudy today. can't promise a beautiful afternoon but it should be decent. focusing to the north and westt this, cold front brings us the possibility of showers ash here during the day tomorrow.or that is our next chance of
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measurable it shouldn't be heavy rain. rai light showers around tomorrow afternoon. mix of sun and includeds tomorrow. here comes that front tomorrow and that again gives us the possibility of a couple showerso around here during the afternoon tomorrow. that's our next chance for a little bit of shower activity. until then good looking day. 73 the high. plenty of clouds this morning. partial sunshine this afternoon. a warm afternoon. about 8-10 degrees warmer than yesterday. it feels better. more sun you get by the way, the warmer the temperature. winds south at 5-10. here is a look at your accuweather seven day forecast. a few showers with the front 76. warming up. increasing humidity as well on thursday. 78. showers and storms return late friday. some of those storms could be strong and heavy wrain that front. noticeably cooler. the sun comes back by does afternoon.tern 63 saturday and 61 on sunday. s a true couple days this weekend. that's a look at forecast. going to tony, i think. t back to you. >> thank you very much, tucker.t the explosion it's boston
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marathon lead to a huge outpouring on social immediate m yanch also showing their sympathy are sports teams with t major boston teams even canceling their scheduled gamese in light after thedu tack. dave ross is -- after the attack. dave ross joins us. >> every year patriots day in boston is say huge sports day -y this s- a huge sports day foror the city. the boston red sox game and the bruinins had a game that was canceled. the red sox completed their game and less than an hour later is where the first bomb went off. many took to social media offering thoughts and prayers. we begin with the bruins who had the game canceled. they said the thoughts and prayers of everyone in the bruins organization are with the city and all those effected by the tragedy. t
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these words which were first echoed by martin luther king, jury, himself. the brooklyn academy of musicic said "darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that" that's a nice thing and danny amadola a newly acquiredd wide receiver with the patriots he said today via twitter he is overing to 100 dollars to the relief fund set up for every pass he catches and 200 for ever pass he drops. one of top three sports towns in the country.ount you'll see how boston comes together not just in the sports community but the community at large. it's a resilient people and sportstown.sp you'll see that soon. >> yes. we see this kind of thing in the after math of something like that with a sports team taking on their share. >> and boston and new york you
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see. if you are late to file your taxes and you are not a dollar short. reacting to today's tragedy in boston. alicia keys. next in the buzz bin.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to givive a breast cancer survir a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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>> hollywood also responding to the boston marathon bombings from yesterday with messageses of support. this is one from ben affleck. boston native of course. he tweeted out this messageessa saying such a senseless and and tragic day. my family and i send our love to our belove and resilient boston.
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mark wahlberg sent out this message. thoughts and prayers with my hometown boston today.ay. she's a grammy award winning singer ber her latest project isn't her new release. rel >> she's take part in a new campaign targeting women in the u.s. they make up a quarter of a onee million americans living with h.i.v. the movement offers up to $25,000 to community organizations treating women living with h.i.v. the president's 2014 budget includes over 23 billion to put towards the fight answer aids and h.i.v. in the u.s. all right we want to go now to a press conference that is getting ready to get set and underway in boston. law enforcement officials from around that area are getting ready to speak. listen in right now. >> less than 24 hours after yesterday's act of terror we
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wanted to organization a briefing for you with the information that we have. hav the mayor is here. the members of our congressional delegation, all of the law enforcement leadership. we have several people who want to present to you this morning and take your questions. q a couple points i want to mention at the outset. i told you yesterday that thehe f.b.i. has taken charge of the investigation.vest special agent in charge rick will speak it's important to clarify that two and only two explosive devices were found yesterday. other parcels, all other parcelr in the area of the blast have been examined but there are no unexploded bombs. there were no unexploded explosive devices found. over 150 people were injured yesterday in the blasts. some gravely. our thoughts go out to all of of
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those injured and killed and to their families and friends. i personally want to thank the extraordinary work -- first responders for their justst extraordinary work yesterday. every single one of them, thosee on site and those who got to the site provmently there -- promptly there after performed beautifully as have the area hospitals. i've been calling around to the heads of hospitals personally to thank them as well. it's our hope that tomorrow we t will organization an interfaith prayer service to help our community we don'tun have details on that yet but we will provide the details when we have them. there's a support center that c was open yesterday and what we call the castle opposite the park plaza hotel on arlington and stuart street, i think it is. the mayor has provided staff to help people cope with this extraordinary event. and it will be open from 9:00, i
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think until 5:00 and beyond this evening.ev finally everyone should expect continued heightened police presence and everyone shoulduld continue personally to be vigilant. the investigation continues and until it is done, all of these t in law enforcement, represented by the leaders here will be present in force in the area around the blast and throughout the city. with that let me turn it over to mayor menino. >> thank you, governor. yesterday the terrorists brought to the city of boston tragedy, tragedy was brought to a neighbor also. this say close knit place the t city of boston. here we know our neighbors. a little boy who we knew from dorchester we grieve for him. le know our heros also. they are the men and women who wear helmets, the badges, runners, helping us yesterday
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during this time of need and as we get and go together on this issue with the law enforcement official, we make sure the city pulls together. we've it under control. let's continue to work togethert let's keep offering a helping thoond individuals who may need it during this very difficult time in our city's history byy saying to all of us, the mayor for 20 years now.. i've never seen law enforcement pull together, working together to -- pulling together to solveo our crimeel and -- solve our our crime. it's a tragedy but boston say strong city. we're going to get through this. like the governor said we set up a resource center over at the castle near the park plaza hotel where the staff will be there available to give information to individuals involved in the marathon. open from 9:00 to 5:00 and the phone number is 635-5040 i
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believe. the number is -- wrong number. 617-534-5050. also the 24 hour hotline that you need information also. that number is 617-635-4500. 6 we've received calls askingng information on how to help us. bad day for boston. but i think if we pull together we'll get through it.thro we're a strong city. a lot of people willing to work together to make this a better place for all of our people. as we gather here today with all our officials let's say boston will overcome. >> thank you mr. mayor. senator? >> thank you.ou >> thank you governor, thank you, mr. mayor. the president of the united states has pledged his full support in all efforts to keep the city safe and to find the person who did this and bringng
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them to justice. we did not have to reach out to the president. the president reached out to us. he called the governor.e he called the mayor, he called the members of delegation because the president is actively involved here in spongd. on behalf of our congressional delegation senator coan is herei with me and congressman lynchsmn and all of the members of our delegation. we want to e. tend our -- extend our thanks to the first responders, to the firefighters to the police officers to the ems, to everyone on the scene including the volunteers whoo came and helped those in trouble and helped save lives. we also want to thank those from around the country and all the world whose prayers and thoughtg and offers of help have poured. in we're deeply grateful as the mayor sid. boston will survive. -- as the made usair, boston will survive. s -- as the mayor said, boston will survive. >> thank you. i'm the special agent in charge
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at the f.b.i.'s washington dif vig. i would like to start thisthis morning by thanking the first responders from boston ems and boston fire department and the volunteer physicians, nurses and medical staff from the community who volume teared at the marathon. their services and heroic actions saved lives yesterday afternoon. we continue to work shoulder to shoulder with the partners ater the boston police department,t, the massachusetts state police l as well as all our other agencies. our submission to clear to bring to justice those responsible for the bombing. the american public wants answers. the citizens of the city ofcity boston and the commonwealth of massachusetts want and deserve answers. this group of dedicated men anda women standing before you today pledge to do everything possible to get the answers. this remains a very active investigation. our ongoing investigation in various locations throughout the area goods on. however, there are no known additional threats. we continue to interview various witnesses and process the crime
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scene which could tame some time -- take some time. the citizens should expect to to seat f.b.i. and partners conducting investigative activity in the greater eastern massachusetts and boston area. assistance from the public remains critical in steak astea timeline of events which leads l to swift conclusion through due diligence and strong investigative activity. we commend the public, the citizens of boston and the citizens of the commonwealth ofo massachusetts for the information that hasachu been provided to law enforcement sont far and we strongly encourage that assistance to continue. it is paramount to explain the f.b.i. and the jttf role to the greater extend. we've received volume -- voluminous tips. we have staffed our tip line and continue to encourageoura individuals to contact that lina with anyct additional tips. we're bringing additional victim
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assistance and evidence response team resources from our headquarters components and other field officers to boston and they are on site working ass we speak processing evidence ofo crime scene. to the extent that the crime scene plays in copley per rim term and continues to be a crime scene it may that for several days. we're following up on a variety ofg up leads. you will see us and our partners interviewing maybe a neighbor, coworker or yourself in coming days. we encourage you to please cooperate with authorities.hori the resources allow for swift action which hopefully yield quick results but it does not diminish our diligence and persistence in combing through the leads. thank you very much. >> i'm the boston field division.
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at this time atf has been a partial national response team activation. we're bringing the specialists to the team and working jointly with the f.b.i. and partners. we have certified explosive specialists. we have explosives enforcement officers. we have special agent bomb and canines trained to detect any explosive devices or any residue. at this time we have scene and to 30 forensic dispell any rumors -- there were rumors floating around there were seven devices at one point. it's not true. i think that happened as aa result of devices -- suspect packages that were disruptd butt we only have two devices we're'r aware of and both were involved in the damage and involved invov the explosives incident. at this time we're looking for r
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the public's cooperation. we're looking. if there's video, photographic evidence, if you can please ple contact the f.b.i. hotline or the city's hotline would be like to review any kind of media that you have out there pretending p that might give us addition leads. we're pursuing the leads at this time. the scene will take several days to process we asked for patienci as we work in the area and cooperation. >> good morning. i'm united states attorney carmen ortiz. i want to extend my condolences to the families of loved ones who were lost in yesterday's attack on the city of boston. as well as those that were hurt and still fighting for their lives. our thoughts and our prayers gog out to them. what happened yesterday was a
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terrible tragedy. it was amazing to see if you heard from my colleagues here how people just helped one another, ran toward the blast, just to assist another person in greater need. people who were just there for those that were hurt, and in a dire situation. it was amazing to see how the t city of boston and people from around the world that were partt of yesterday's boston marathonnm helped one another consoled each other. there are so many moving parts to an investigation such as this. i can't begin to thank everyone involved. law enforcement regular citizent this soon active and ongoing investigation. but rest assured that we're bringing all of the necessary resources to assist in this matter and that we will conduct
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all that we can with all of our law enforcement partners. i've been in touch with the attorney general several timesie eric holder and he has pledged the resources from the department and others on behalf of federal government to help boston recover from yesterday. i ask for your patience and your understanding as we continue to pursue leads, to gather evidence and to get to the bottom of who did this and why. thank you. >> good morning my name is edd davis i'm the police pol commissioner for the city of boston. we're in the process of securing and processing the most complexm crime scene we've dealt with inn the history of our department. we're doing that under the direction of the f.b.i. and in partnership with the atf. we secured the perimeter with members of national guard and the generals here.
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i would like to thank the people working closely with us. we received officers. units have responded from new york city and baltimore and we're working closely with our partners on this complexompl investigation. i want to stress that the area around the crime scene which was yesterday 15 blocks has been reduced to about 12 blocks at at this point in time. we'll continue to collapse that crime scene as the facts and circumstances make it available. we want to open up as many streets and get people into thet building as quickly as we can. we're working diligently on that.. please be patient on the time we need to process the crime scene. we expect it will go for another two days anyway.y. people should make appropriate plans. i want to stress thathat information information you have. any videos or photographs that happened not just at that scene but anywhere in the immediate
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vicinity could be helpful too this investigation. our focus is on processing that evidence right now and we're looking forward to working with our partners to bring the individuals who are responsibleb for this heinous crime to justice. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> good morning. my name is timothy alba and i'm the superintendent of the massachusetts state police. as i saids earlier there's reay two or three parts to this investigation. there's the vepghtive part whict clearly the -- investigativees part which clearly the f.b.i. fb has taken the lead on but thereb is also a logistical and presence component to this. you are going to see an enhanced presence from the boston police, state police and national guard and from our law enforcement partners from the metropolitaneo boston area over the next days and probably longer.
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that is not for any particular reason other than to provide comfort and -- to the public who are using transportation centere or going about their business. so we are engaged with the m.b.t.a. police and the "t". you will see more troopers.oper you'll see national guardsmen there. you'll see police like do you y everou day. that presence is significantly enhanced. we're doing that fored. the como of the public. we're lookingrtbl foric cooperaa from the public.ti it's not to inconvenience anyone and we don't think it will be.e. you might see an enhanced presence at logan airport as well.ll it's not for. any particular reason again other than to solicit cooperation from the public and seek out tips or information.n. the last thing i want to say there has to be hundreds if not thousands of photographs or videos or observations made down at this finish line yesterday and they are sitting out there amongst everyone watching this event this morning.
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you might not think it's significant. there are plenty of tips. the f.b.i. has them as billion. if you call in i assure you someone will fowm on photographp or videoshs you might want to submit for consideration. thank you very much. >> good morning my name is daniel connolly. what occurred yesterday in boston was an act of cordis. while there's an -- cowardis. while there's an opportunity in the futurety i to define this a, make no mistake, an act of cowardis and this is a veert cannot be justified or explained. kit only be answered to. that end, some of the finest investigators at the local, stateal, and federal levels hav
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been workingha through the state to not only conduct interview aa the scene but to ensure they are legally sound and that the evidence is recovered with the greatest care. c at the same time police andar other law enforcement agenciesne have been actively working to ensure the safety of our at thisy. point the loss we suffered is enormous. thanks to the efforts of emts,mt police officers,s, firefighters, volunteers, forward in ordinarys and the world class staff at boston hospitals we can say with certainty that more lives were saved. for this we can give things.hi in the days and the weeks to come we'll do our best to keep the public and media apprised and advises of the progress of this investigation and our work. it's important, however for the sake of victims and the city that our investigators be given
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the room to do their jobs soo that the truth truth can be found and so that justice can be served.rv moments like this in our response to them define who we are. in the past 24 hours this city of boston has shown its strength, its compassion and its determination to see justice >> thank you, dan.. we're happy to take questions. we're going to try to take as many questions as you have so maybe we'll just go from side to side. yes? (inaudible). >> what hopes to reassure you that there will not be more attacks? is there snefdz. >> more the evidence is the extraordinary cooperation among the law enforcementam agencies s the mayor and others have said.s at the federal, stateai and locl level. and indeed from the we haveio an unprecedented level of lawev enforcement support and


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